Apester is a tool for helping editors to create new stories.
Together with Apster’s customers (the publisher), we thought about
new tools that will attract readers to their articles. We decided
to create a strip with all of the latest articles, I planned to
create a strip that will be small and not take a lot of real
estate on the feed. I then created different formats and locations
for A/B testing.
Before testing the new future we wanted to hear feedback from our
publishers, surprisingly they wanted it to be bigger and they
didn't mind it taking more real estate (as long as there is room
for ads in between the stories)
So we decided to create a bigger version for desktop and mobile:
Desktop - it was really was important to examine the strip in
different location:
The strip helped increase the engagement rate but the strip had to
be created manually every time. Apester’s goal was to reduce the
publishers’ work load so a follow-up project was initiated to make
this process automatic.